Young Person’s Mental Health Forum
Be an active voice and help shape mental health and wellbeing services on the Island through
We know that many young people on our Island are passionate, like us, about the importance of mental health!
Mental health services are overstretched and in crisis right now, and we believe that young people should be an active voice in how young people’s mental health and wellbeing services are developed and improved.
So, we’re creating a new Young Person’s Mental Health Forum that’ll meet each month to talk about important issues that are impacting young people’s wellbeing, what’s happening for people your age on the Island right now, and what’s your top priority. So, there’s lots to talk about!
Just fill out our quick, short application form and we’ll be in touch soon!
If you’re aged 14-18 and have used either CAMHS or received support from us
have your voice heard and help shape young people’s mental health and wellbeing services.
Young Person’s Mental Health Forum Application
* indicates required fields
Want other ways to get involved?
There’s lots of ways you can support us to remove the stigma surrounding mental health whether that’s taking part in an event, fundraising for us or involving your company or community group.
Learn More