Smells Like Community Spirit
May 28, 2024 | by Juan Christian
Hello hello hello hello hello…
Here we are now…
Anyone that knows me knows I love Nirvana, maybe a wee bit too much. Probably because of the profound effect they had on me growing up. What does that have to do with fundraising or Isle Listen? I suppose its to do with the close-knit network of support and friendship we had growing up, and the influence its had to this day.
It’s been an emotional roller coaster in the fundraising department these last few months! So much so I don’t know where to start, so I’ll just work backwards from Saturday.
Inside The Mind of The Songwriters
Last year Callum Brew stepped into the arena of event management and with the help of Mike Wade and the wonderful Manx community, he ran a beautiful night of music that highlighted the incredible talent we have on the Isle of Man. Before we knew it, it was time for round 2! Black Dog Oven opened it doors, and most importantly its pizza oven, for Callum on the 18th May 2024. Callum gathered together some of the lands best songwriters and did it again. Callum’s love and passion for the creative industry shone through with his determination to give the songwriters a platform to perform and inspire others. The connection between art and mental health was key in Cal’s method, and when you meet Callum you will instantly see he loves music and music is a channel for him to express how he feels. His passion and talent is inspiring, keep going Cal, you really are making a difference in peoples lives. This year Inside The Mind of The Songwriters raised over £400, thank you to everyone. Your positivity and love helps us provide much needed services in the islands schools.

Race The Sun
Every May, we go out and compete against teams from all over the Island in a lap of the Raad ny Foillan! That right, we run the Raad ny Foillan. What I see every year is very humbling, the Manx community out, supporting local charities and doing their best not to collapse in a heap! This year had two teams in Isle Listen colours, leading by example. With Mental Health Awareness Week being all about movement, it was very fitting, we love movement! Being active is all part of a healthy mind as well as a healthy body. We are so so lucky to have our friends Mikey & Ollie from Active Souls on our side. These two young, incredible men lead by example through their initiative Active Souls, they both are on the front foot, hosting fun active sessions weekly for the adult community and for our younglings.

We aren’t to shabby at this running lark at Isle listen. Jessica Bryan, former fell running Champ, Ste Downward, island running royalty, Lynsey Wood, Superhalfs marathon runner extraordinaire. Kirsty Arnold, Holly Ramsey and myself we all love the pain! But we needed support, we got that from our friends in the community. Hazel Dawson, Rebecca Harding were recruited from our marathon charity fundraising drive, great for their training program. We had school friends and former work colleagues all join together to get the two teams over the line before the sun set over Purt ny Hinshey.
Events like Race the Sun were the catalyst for our very own Tough Mucka, the community spirit these events create is something truly special; while I was watching the Mountain Marathon I think I cried 3 times just handing out jelly babies to runners.
Quiz you say?
On Friday, our marathon runners Rebecca and Hazel raised some serious money as they look to hit their targets for the Berlin Marathon. This September, the two amazing humans hit the kerbs of Berlins as they charge towards their marathon PBs, safe in the knowing that they have helped a young person along the way. Not only did they set some of the hardest quiz questions about Manx post-boxes, they served the best Taka Dhal I’ve ever tasted!

The day before that… We had our annual casual gathering at Noa Bakehouse. A-mezz-ing!!! A night of Turkish disco and Hummus, I’m sure they even had Fizzy Bubblech! Noa chef Addy laid out a very traditional, tasty and authentic selection of Turkish delights. Supported by Simcocks, Noa and the Manx public, these little fundraisers are our fave’s. We get to sit with our supporters, share stories and just get a lovely opportunity to thank everyone for their support.

This I why we love our community. It’s strong, generous, loud and the best! We support each other, hold each other up in tough times and share the positivity in those good times. Next time your friend is undertaking a sporting challenge, or a real deep life mountain, go see them and cheer your heart out at them. Do what you can to get them over that line. They’ll never forget that, neither will you.
If anyone would like to hold a fundraiser, or would just like to chat some ideas over. Drop us a email, we will happily guide you and support you.
Below are two photies of some fundraisers, two of them are very pleased with themselves as they completed a half Iron Man and Neil was the incredible human that went out and slept on the Manx streets over Christmas. For more info on fundraising, please email Its doesn’t matter what you do, just do it!