The worry of going back to school - IsleListen

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The worry of going back to school

September 1, 2021  |  by Chloe Wood

This past year has been very unsettling for many, having knock-on effects on school life and our wellbeing. So, as we approach the new school year, how can you make your return to school a little bit easier? Here’s some helpful tips to keep in mind.

How can I cope?

Are you worried about returning to school? Are you worried about how you will cope moving up a year? This can be daunting for a lot of people, but it’s completely normal to feel this way!

What is important to know is how we can deal with this worry.

1. Talk to someone

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It may seem simple, but just talking to someone you trust can help lessen your worries and you won’t feel so alone.

2. Separate your worries

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Write down any of your worries into two groups:

  1. Things that you can control
  2. Things that you can’t control

Firstly, try not to focus upon the things you can’t control and focus upon the things you CAN control to see if you can problem-solve any of them. After this, try to talk to someone you trust about any of your worries that you CAN’T control. Some worries might not have a solution but simply just talking to someone about them may help you feel better.

3. Create a routine

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During the holidays, it is easy to fall out of any sort of routine, especially with our eating and sleeping. Maintaining a regular sleep routine is extremely beneficial for both physical and mental wellbeing, concentration and productivity. It is important to try to get back into good routines to help you perform to the best of your abilities.

Here are three easy ways you can try to introduce a good sleep routine:

  1. Set a consistent time to wake up. By waking at the same time every day, we can help create a rhythm for our sleep, whilst improving our sleep quality. Avoid changing your wake times on the weekends. Consistency really is key!
  1. Get enough sleep (but not too much!). Getting the right amount of sleep can benefit us in multiple ways. However, many of us do not get enough sleep and result in ‘chronic sleep debt’ leaving us feeling tired despite sleeping. Lack of sleep can contribute to us feeling more worried. Teenagers need 8-10 hours of sleep!
  1. Reduce screen time before bed. Exposure to blue light from our devices (including televisions) can delay the natural release of our sleep-inducing hormone, Melatonin. Our body thinks our screens mean that it’s still daylight, so holds off preparing our body for sleep. Spending time reading before bed can help us wind down ready for sleeping.

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