Our top 5 tips for working from home and maintaining your wellbeing in lockdown - IsleListen

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Our top 5 tips for working from home and maintaining your wellbeing in lockdown

January 12, 2021  |  by Mandy Kinnell

1. Build a routine

Find a routine that works for you and try to keep to it where possible. When things feel chaotic, keeping anchored with a routine can provide some stability and reassurance. Many employers are happy to discuss different working hours and patterns and recognise that being productive does not necessarily mean being chained to our laptops for seven hours a day. 

2. Stay connected

It is all too easy to become isolated when you are working from home and loneliness is a real problem for a lot of people, especially now.  Find ways to harness technology and stay connected with your colleagues, friends and family. Most of us are experts Zoomers now and having a camera on for meetings and seeing faces can help us to feel a bit more connected over just hearing a voice. 

3. Set some boundaries

This works equally for your work colleagues and those you are sharing a living space with.  Be clear about your needs when it comes to working hours both with your boss, your co-workers and your family or housemates. Tell them what time you will be available to them and when you won’t.

4. Make time for exercise

Self-care is hugely important to physical and mental wellbeing. Find a way of exercising that works for you; you may already know, or it may be a good opportunity to try something new. Whether you try a yoga class on YouTube, get the bicycle out or take a walk, make this part of your day and feel the benefits.

5. Be kind

Make sure you are kind to yourself.  Don’t expect too much and recognise when you do achieve something – even small steps towards a bigger goal are worthy of celebration.  Show compassion to those around you too; whether it is in the queue at the shops, with the people in your household, or someone at work.  You may make someone’s day and you will almost certainly feel better too.

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